El dulce milagro: recriação de Cinderela por Juana de Ibarbourou (1892-1979)


  • Antonia Javiera Cabrera Muñoz Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri


Hispanic Literature, Juana de Ibarbourou; Cinderella; Los sueños de Natacha


This paper discusses the dramatic text “El dulce milagro”, a recreation of the fable of Cinderella, published in Los sueños de Natacha (1945) by Uruguayan poet Juana de Ibarbourou. This is an important reading for undergraduate Literature students, because rather than being a work of children’s literature like the original fable, it is connected to Ibarbourou’s poetic itself, since the recreation innovates the plot of the fable, according to Tudela (2010). Thus, reading the text requires new materials and methods: first, since it’s a dramatic work, a dramatic reading and further staging is necessary; second, because Ibarbourou sees literary recreation as a melancholy expression originated in Modernism, so dear to her, since it reminds her of her past as a reader and writer.


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How to Cite

El dulce milagro: recriação de Cinderela por Juana de Ibarbourou (1892-1979). (2024). Revista Abehache, 25. https://revistaabehache.com/ojs/index.php/abehache/article/view/509