"I do not know Frida Khalo" or the importance of the Voices of the South in the formation of Spanish teachers


  • Diego José Alves Alexandre UFRN (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte)


Abstract: From the theoretical and methodological framework of undisciplined Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES 2006), transgressive and critical (PENNYCOOK 2008), as well as the notion of “Voices of the Southâ€(MOITA LOPES 2006; KLEIMAN 2013), this work aims to reflect on the formation of Spanish teachers articulated to cultural aspects that extrapolate stereotypes and contain stories of peripheral peoples again. For that, I analyze texts whose themes represent the Latin American in diverse contexts and, in this analysis, I try to raise pedagogical issues implied when the lack of critical sense in the initial teacher training. I conclude by advocating the urgency of teacher training from the perspective of an intercultural pedagogy (WALSH 2010, PARAQUETT 2010, MATOS 2016), and to value Spanish America as an area not only geographically, but also politically and socially. Keywords: Teacher training in Spanish; Southern Voices; Applied Linguistics.



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How to Cite

"I do not know Frida Khalo" or the importance of the Voices of the South in the formation of Spanish teachers. (2019). Revista Abehache, 15, 139-154. https://revistaabehache.com/ojs/index.php/abehache/article/view/262